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3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Free Candy's BACK...and...STILL...TOO...SWEEEEEEET!

PRESS RELEASE, from the desk of Free Candy:

Three games into the Fall 2009 season, and so far, Free Candy's 2-1. Not bad...we've seen worse...A hell of a lot worse, actually. (Think back two seasons ago...) And now that Maltz is done vacationing in lovely Richmond, Virginia, he can get back to doing what he does best for Candy...being our ringer.

But this season, we've got another ringer to welcome to the fold: Brett, the Hitman, Barber. And just to make sure he doesn't step out of line or get too full of himself, his dad, Randy, will be making his FC debut pretty soon...

And speaking of new additions, Free Candy welcomes Kevin Garrett to the team, who we pulled from the burning wreckage that was the Cider Box Monkeys bus. Along with Brett and Randy, KG will be making sure our D is ready for G Love and the Special Gerbils...



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