Next Game

3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Free Candy continued their domination of the PIHI Silver division, spanking the Men in Black 11-5 to take their 2nd consecutive big win of the season.

Scoring came easy & often against a goalie who lost his cool midway through the 2nd period.

After a scramble for the loose puck in the crease, Men in Black's defensemen bowled over too-young-to-drink Brett Barber, knocking him to the ground. While down, pissed-off goalie Matt Dixon took two cheap shots to Barber's head, resulting in an all out rumble in front of the net. Both players were ejected from the game.

Barber stopped off at the nearest computer he could find & wrote a defense letter for the jury who would ultimately hand down the impending suspension.

Barber's defense letter and his attorney from the Cochran Firm got what was thought to be a possible 9-game suspension reduced to just 2 games.

Free Candy takes on Men in Black again Sunday, and we're sure they'll be out for revenge.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Free Candy Ringers Roll

Free Candy rolled to their biggest ever win against The Coalition, burying the team 13-0.

Newly-added ringers Soren Rucker and Billy Armstrong turned in strong performances in their new positions with the team.

And Free Candy goalie Jonathan Whitbey scores his first-ever goal playing as a netminder. The details aren't important -- what is important is that on the stats sheet he scored a goal. He promptly proceeded to put a new last name on his jersey: HEXTALL

Next up: A home-and-home against the Men in Black Tuesday & Sunday.

Free Candy Returns

After a whole 5-day off season, Free Candy returns tonight with a couple of new faces.

Candy loses 2 original team founders, Jeremy Virgin & Dave Menhart, after their move to Baltimore. The team also starts the season short Kevin Garrett, who is still recovering from a high ankle sprain (word is that he's getting professional rehab with the Washington Redskins' training staff).

To offset the Baltimore Boys' loss, Candy adds two new powerhouse players: Soren Rucker and Billy Armstrong.

Two other major players also return to the team. First is offensive anchor TJ Doherty who, when asked if he was returning to the team this season, proclaimed, "As long as there is a Free Candy, I'll be here." Heart. Second is Richard Maltz, who initially said he wouldn't be back, but after hoisting the trophy at the end of last season (and downing a few beers), opted to return to the team part-time.

The defense of The Cup starts now...

Free Candy Takes Silver-B Division Championship

After a tumultuous season, loss of key players, and finally Jeremy Virgin bailing on the team after moving to Baltimore, Free Candy sweeps division rivals The Fighting Gerbils to take the Silver-B Division championship.

Hold that trophy high, TJ. Hold that trophy high.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Candy > Lucky Charms

Tomorrow night, Candy plays the Leprechauns in the first of two straight games vs. the new Silver team. Leprechauns better bring some of these to help their chances....

And I had to include my favorite Leprechaun image of all time...

We'll see who gets smoked.

Friday, January 15, 2010


With the same rugged cast of characters as last season, Free Candy is off to a nice and unprecedented 2-0 start. Let's live it up now boys, before mid-season reality and angst kick in.

Latest victims were the Slashers, who got an up-close look at Brett Barber's knuckles in a PIM-riddled battle of attrition. RIVALRY RE-IGNITED.

And a shout-out to our team's namesake, Mr. Free Candy himself, Brooks Orpik, for making the US Olympic team!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Free Candy Fans

Free Candy Fans line up outside the arena waiting for the team bus to arrive...