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3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Looking Ahead: Iron Man Weekend

This weekend, on Saturday the 21st, four members of Free Candy alongside Sean Riffle (seen below), of Indiana U, will compete in the Potomac Inline Iron Man Tournament. It will be a grueling afternoon with 7 teams playing each team once before the start of the playoffs. On a quick note, some other members of free candy will be playing on opposing teams.

Sean Riffle,23

The members of Free Candy are as follows: Goalie Derek Rupert, TJ Miller, David Menhart, Jeremy Virgin, and newcomer Sean Riffle. This being Sean Riffle's first game @ the Box, he was interviewed about his expectations. Here is what Riffle had to say "I ain't promising victory, but I always come to play hard and I always play balls deep. That is something you can count on, because Riffle and Candy never sounded so sweet".

Riffle and Virgin have some chemistry already, being line mates in previous years, but it will be exciting to see how he gels with the hard hitting TJ Miller and the soft hands but hard shot of Dave Menhart. It seems as if it could be a long weekend for their opponents if 2nd year goalie Derek Rupert has a solid outing.

Tigger likes the odds

Do It!

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