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3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 - 3 Maltz Candy

First period was back and forth...Penalty...Kevin Garrett slapshot...1-0 CBM

Job Job Job...Kevin Garrett changeup...wiffed on by defenseman turned Goalie Derek Rupert 2-0 CBM

2nd half started with Rich Maltz telling goalie Derek Rupert that we are going to get a quick about 2 quick ones...both from Rich M.

"I am coming for you Thornhill!"

All Free Candy the rest of the more by Maltz and a Dan Paladino tally and it was...."OVA BABY!"

Late tally by J. Thorn

Summary: Maltz is a beast...Rupert isnt half bad in goal...CBM has one player...

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