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3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Monday, June 15, 2009

Upset? No Chance...Candy moves on...

There was alot of speculation that the Killer Bees would show up with their 14 man roster and give Free Candy all they could handle. They showed up with 5 and 1 fell earlier then expected.

A hard fought game early found Candy with the first tally...

Virgin sauces one through the crease...Blacharski with the tap in out of midair. I havent seen a tap like that since I was with Jeremy's mom. it!


Late in the 1st half Rupert connected on a pass from Dan Paladino for a 2-0 lead.

Before the first half ended Kenny Wu scored...2-1

Richardson may have scored but it was waved off. Sorry must understand the league has so much to gain by having the young and talented Free Candy move onto the finals.

Early in the 2nd half Virgin pots one to make it 3-1 Candy

Slapshot from our circles from Blacharski makes it 4-1...there hasnt been a more deflating goal then well....ever.

Corey Murphy after the blazer

WU again....4-2


-Your doing it Blacharski!
-Candy hit more posts then Kevin Costner.
-Sean Crilley could have been a big deal but Maltz destroyed his life with a slapper.
-Rupert = steady point a game.
-TJ Miller got his life destroyed.
-TJ Doherty MIA
-Bring on the Monkeys!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Bad Blood Brewing...4-4 Tie

Slashers are clearly the team Candy is keeping an eye on in the league.

Here is the story...Zack Angeline can dangle and thats about it. Scott Gomez has some game but is too worried about mouthing off to even show any of it.

Zack Angeline had 3 goals and Matt Aturd had 1.

Candy was led by Dave Menhart and Rich Maltz.

The game was chippy throughout and had clearly the most penalties of any game this year in Silver. Angeline and Blacharski both got thrown out at the end after Blacharski people's elbowed Angeline.


- Slashers hate Free Candy...would rather pay for it, like they do their women...HA
- Candy was missing Mark Scuderi(Silverblatt)
- Maltz is a beast
- Jon Blacharski prolly leads the league in PIMs after last nite
- There was a Dave Menhart siting...
- Tuesday is the tiebreaker 1-1-1

Back to Winning...Candy 7-4

The talk of the week leading up to the game was that Free Candy's original players were nothing without the "ringers." Well let me say this, if you watch the NHL then you see most teams have a few good or great players and then the role players just feed off the aforementioned.

Virgin - Hat Trick...thats 3 goals for u hockey illiterate
TJ Doherty - 2 assists
Dan Paladino - 1 assist
TJ Miller - 2 goals
Derek Rupert - 1 goal

Suck it!