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3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Monday, June 1, 2009

Bad Blood Brewing...4-4 Tie

Slashers are clearly the team Candy is keeping an eye on in the league.

Here is the story...Zack Angeline can dangle and thats about it. Scott Gomez has some game but is too worried about mouthing off to even show any of it.

Zack Angeline had 3 goals and Matt Aturd had 1.

Candy was led by Dave Menhart and Rich Maltz.

The game was chippy throughout and had clearly the most penalties of any game this year in Silver. Angeline and Blacharski both got thrown out at the end after Blacharski people's elbowed Angeline.


- Slashers hate Free Candy...would rather pay for it, like they do their women...HA
- Candy was missing Mark Scuderi(Silverblatt)
- Maltz is a beast
- Jon Blacharski prolly leads the league in PIMs after last nite
- There was a Dave Menhart siting...
- Tuesday is the tiebreaker 1-1-1


  1. Jon now leads the league with 22 minutes of penalty time, followed by 2 players on the Bees who have 8 minutes each. Clearly, Jon is pacing himself.

  2. My penalty mins are slowed by a lack of delay of games...I swear I get one delay of game a season.
