Next Game

3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Free Candy Fans

Free Candy Fans line up outside the arena waiting for the team bus to arrive...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Closin' it out!

Free Candy comes off a 3-game schnied of 2 ties and a loss to finish off Katie's Angels last night, 4-3. Playing with only 8 guys, the team had a 3-1 lead, started to piss it away in usual fashion, and then closed it out for good. Great team win and all-around effort.

Game Notes:

- Real solid effort from goaltender Jon Whitbey, who closed the door on several big opportunities late in the game...
- 2 Goals from Randy Barber who's blastin 'em from the point.
- PP goal from Kevin Garrett, who wrists one in from the high slot. Also saves a goal by hand-passing the puck from the crease all the way down to the neutral zone. The black Jay Cutler! (KG's words, not mine! haha)
- Somewhere in there, Miller gets a goal as well....but that goes without saying, right?
- Mark Silverblatt: MIA / healthy scratch. Will be in a suit and tie in the stands next game.
- Dan "The Trickler" Potash/Paladino scores his second trickle goal in as many games. Tacks on an assist on the PP and goes Dave Steckel-esque on faceoffs, ~90%, but who's keeping track?
- Jon Whitbey gets the 1st star of the game for the Photoshop below and a couple of others to come!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Free Candy's BACK...and...STILL...TOO...SWEEEEEEET!

PRESS RELEASE, from the desk of Free Candy:

Three games into the Fall 2009 season, and so far, Free Candy's 2-1. Not bad...we've seen worse...A hell of a lot worse, actually. (Think back two seasons ago...) And now that Maltz is done vacationing in lovely Richmond, Virginia, he can get back to doing what he does best for Candy...being our ringer.

But this season, we've got another ringer to welcome to the fold: Brett, the Hitman, Barber. And just to make sure he doesn't step out of line or get too full of himself, his dad, Randy, will be making his FC debut pretty soon...

And speaking of new additions, Free Candy welcomes Kevin Garrett to the team, who we pulled from the burning wreckage that was the Cider Box Monkeys bus. Along with Brett and Randy, KG will be making sure our D is ready for G Love and the Special Gerbils...



This page is more outdated than G-Forces 1997 Geocities style web site.

We have been too busy winning championships to keep it updated. Wooo


Monday, July 27, 2009

Free Candy > Benedict Arnold

7-3 W

Scoville chose...Poorly...


Rupert "the piece" - 1 goal and 3 assists...played O for once

Miller - prolly even or minus on the night...typical

Maltz = Didnt bury it...on point on D though.

Whitbey = huge game.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Free Candy is just.. toooooo.. sweeeeeeeet!

Ya ya ya, it's been a while since the last update. Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you are probably aware that Free Candy are the Silver League Champs. Ya, we fucking rule. From rags to riches, bitches.

News and Notes:
-Star defenseman John Blacharski is taking take summer off.... hope ya come back, bra
-Free Candy has added free agent power forward Richard Sewell. If he doesn't lead the team in goals, assists, points and +/- he can kiss his roster spot goodbye.
-TJ Miller is back on defense to replace Blacharski. Around the Silver League, forwards are licking their lips at the thought of burning him all season long.
-CBM has picked up Kenny Wu from the former Silver League goon squad Killer Bees. God help us all.

Free Candy started off the season shakier than Ali. They tied Katie's Angels 6-6 opening night. They had a 5-1 lead going into the half, only to let up 5 straight goals and getting the tying goal late to even it up. Defenseman TJ Miller was beleived to be on the rink for all 6 of the Angels goals. GM Derek Rupert has sent him to the minors for a conditioning stint.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Upset? No Chance...Candy moves on...

There was alot of speculation that the Killer Bees would show up with their 14 man roster and give Free Candy all they could handle. They showed up with 5 and 1 fell earlier then expected.

A hard fought game early found Candy with the first tally...

Virgin sauces one through the crease...Blacharski with the tap in out of midair. I havent seen a tap like that since I was with Jeremy's mom. it!


Late in the 1st half Rupert connected on a pass from Dan Paladino for a 2-0 lead.

Before the first half ended Kenny Wu scored...2-1

Richardson may have scored but it was waved off. Sorry must understand the league has so much to gain by having the young and talented Free Candy move onto the finals.

Early in the 2nd half Virgin pots one to make it 3-1 Candy

Slapshot from our circles from Blacharski makes it 4-1...there hasnt been a more deflating goal then well....ever.

Corey Murphy after the blazer

WU again....4-2


-Your doing it Blacharski!
-Candy hit more posts then Kevin Costner.
-Sean Crilley could have been a big deal but Maltz destroyed his life with a slapper.
-Rupert = steady point a game.
-TJ Miller got his life destroyed.
-TJ Doherty MIA
-Bring on the Monkeys!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Bad Blood Brewing...4-4 Tie

Slashers are clearly the team Candy is keeping an eye on in the league.

Here is the story...Zack Angeline can dangle and thats about it. Scott Gomez has some game but is too worried about mouthing off to even show any of it.

Zack Angeline had 3 goals and Matt Aturd had 1.

Candy was led by Dave Menhart and Rich Maltz.

The game was chippy throughout and had clearly the most penalties of any game this year in Silver. Angeline and Blacharski both got thrown out at the end after Blacharski people's elbowed Angeline.


- Slashers hate Free Candy...would rather pay for it, like they do their women...HA
- Candy was missing Mark Scuderi(Silverblatt)
- Maltz is a beast
- Jon Blacharski prolly leads the league in PIMs after last nite
- There was a Dave Menhart siting...
- Tuesday is the tiebreaker 1-1-1

Back to Winning...Candy 7-4

The talk of the week leading up to the game was that Free Candy's original players were nothing without the "ringers." Well let me say this, if you watch the NHL then you see most teams have a few good or great players and then the role players just feed off the aforementioned.

Virgin - Hat Trick...thats 3 goals for u hockey illiterate
TJ Doherty - 2 assists
Dan Paladino - 1 assist
TJ Miller - 2 goals
Derek Rupert - 1 goal

Suck it!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Slashers Return...3-1 Loss

Before the game there was some talk about picking up a free agent to help us since we were shorthanded...we only had 5 guys...of course Scott Gomez had a problem with it and said they would only have 4....I think the end total for them was about meat hungry...he just wanted revenge after the 12-0 drubbing we gave them with our full squad...instead he got a one timer goal that he wouldnt have got if our D was fresh...

I dont remember if we scored first or not but it was JV with a rebound putback...I believe when he scored I heard Billy Harrington scream, "FUCKIN BRONZE PLAYERS!"

Somewhere in there Rupert jobbed Mark Elsberry. "I didnt hear a whistle call, sorry."

Then Emilio Esteves threw a wrist shot to the net that got through(that shot couldnt have broke tissue paper).

Couple good tap in chances for Free Candy that were missed but what do u expect from an exhausted team (good excuse huh?)

Gomez one timer...Rupert just couldnt get over and either could Whitbey...




Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Let Freedom Ring. CANDY WINS!

Today's blog is in memory of Casie, who passed away yesterday.
May God bless her soul

More coming soon!

Monday, May 4, 2009

5-3. Free Candy takes 1st place

Recap coming soon. Suffice it to say Doherty is the trashman...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pedal to the Metal. CANDY WINS BIG

Candy runs wild, Whitbey keeps the door shut all night long.
12-0 good guys.

Whitbey celebrating the the goose egg on the the scoreboard with a fresh one.

Fuckin' skanks


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5 - 3 Maltz Candy

First period was back and forth...Penalty...Kevin Garrett slapshot...1-0 CBM

Job Job Job...Kevin Garrett changeup...wiffed on by defenseman turned Goalie Derek Rupert 2-0 CBM

2nd half started with Rich Maltz telling goalie Derek Rupert that we are going to get a quick about 2 quick ones...both from Rich M.

"I am coming for you Thornhill!"

All Free Candy the rest of the more by Maltz and a Dan Paladino tally and it was...."OVA BABY!"

Late tally by J. Thorn

Summary: Maltz is a beast...Rupert isnt half bad in goal...CBM has one player...

Game #1...New Season..Old Foe..


Crilley is a beast

Victor rowed his boat merrily

Our fill in goalie sucked

Do it!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You Either Get the Joke or You are the Joke. CANDY LOSES

Free Candy = stunned

This game could have been summed up with a few "what ifs":
"What if" Free Candy didn't have 3 of it's 6 skaters playing back-t0-back games?
"What if" Whitbey didn't get thrown out over a phantom "fighting" major?
"What if" the refs took off the Black/Gold goggles?
"What if" we weren't a bunch of turds and could actually play hockey?

picture: The referees at The Box trying to find their way around

That being said, the series is tied 1-1 and Thursdays match-up will settle the score once and for all.

More to come...

Friday, April 10, 2009

This Week's Outlook

Free Candy may be in for a long week with 3 of Free Candy's players playing in the Bronze Championship. On Tuesday Jeremy Virgin, Derek Rupert and Dave Menhart will be playing in back to back games which puts alot of pressure on the legs of TJ "Brooksy" Miller, Dan "Potash" Paladino and TJ "The Beast" Doherty legs. Free Candy will be short argueably their best two skaters in Chris Blevins and Patrick Scoville for the final two games of the Championship. The team will need to slow the game down and find another gear if possible. The team's failure or success will rely heavily on the shoulders of 2nd season goaltender Jon Whitbey. Captain Derek Rupert was confronted by the Potomac Hockey League Media and responded with the following comment, "No excuses. Do it!" Man of many words...

*Figure on the Killer Bees to smell blood in the water(or is that honey in the hive...whatever) and try to put the pedal down early on the shorthanded Candy.

It will take a miracle...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bring Out The Brooms Boys:Candy Wins!

The time had finally come for the championship series with the Bees. In only two seasons in the silver league, Free Candy was able to go from last to playing for the championship. After an exciting game between Red and Green in the Bronze league, Free Candy would get its chance to to take on the hated Bumble Bees.

Out of the gate, it looked like nerves were getting the best of Free Candy. Whitbey looked shakier than you know who early on...

M. Ali wants you!!
...and let in 2 quick goals from Sean "cry me a river" Crilley. Whitbey was able to gain his composure after that and Free Candy was able to battle back. Somewhere in there, Candy takes about 10 penalties back to back and end up being short handed more than Jim Abbott.

During the penalty kill, Menhart pulls the ol' Tj Miller. Throw on the horse blinders and go.
Menhart buries it!! That may be the first time Menhart has been able to do something productive offensively this season. However, 2 min. later, he tries to chop off Eric Chen's, aka Kenny Wu, leg and gets a two min. slashing call.Justin Pargoff, the biggest joke of a referee ever, gives him an extra 10 min. for being awesome. What a turd.

Pat Scoville had his normal hatrick with a goal added from Tj Miller later in the game. Free Candy had plenty of chances to put this game away, but a cpl of posts and some good saves from the Bee's goalie kept their hopes alive. In the end it would not be enough though, as Free Candy would hold on for the 'W'.

Side Note:The series has the potential to turn ugly with what happened in the last cpl of min. The shouting between the benches was getting pretty heated after incidental contact between Miller and one of the bee's caused the bee to bite it.

And I leave you with this:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Get Inspired Boys

Whoever gives this speech tonight gets a case of beer.

Monday, April 6, 2009

First Round Upset... FREE CANDY WINS

Can anyone even remember when Free Candy last played? The Box decided to give the teams an off week to let them rest up for the strenuous playoff battle to come. Coming back from the break it was all business for FC, with the prize being a trip to the finals to play the Killer Bees.

Chris Blevins and Jeremy Virgin on their vacation before the playoff stretch.

Captain Derek Rupert was a no show for the opening match up. It's noted that his status is still unknown after a weekend camping trip.

Editors Note:
Expect everything here to be out of order and a cluster fuck. The memory of last nights game in my mind is shakier than Ali.

It doesn't need to be stated, but Pat Candy met his quota and landed the usual 2-3 goals. Unreal performance by the ringer of all ringers.

Somewhere in there Candy runs into more trouble with the law than an NFL superstar. Blevins gets locked up for 2, then Menhart goes in the box for trying to chop off Paul McGuire's arm. Cider with the 4 on 2 power play. The Monkeys are passing at will and can't be stopped, the PK unit can't deny the connect four and CBM sends it home.

Scoville, Miller, and Whitbey = stunned

Towards the end of the first Rich Green is wide right and cocks the gun to blast one in. He obviously didn't see TJ Miller strapping on the bullet proof vest so he could jump in front of the bullet for Whitbey.


Dan Paladino gets a breakaway and has more patience than Mercy Hospital. He goes down and around Thornill. BURIES IT

Free Candy finally runs the CBM tour bus right off the road. Crash and burn.

6-3 Free Candy


Looking ahead:

4/7/2009 8:40pm
4/14/2009 8:40pm
4/16/2009 9:30pm (if nessecary)

Does Free Candy have what it takes to match up with the Bumble Bees in a best of 3 series? There will be blood. God help us all.


Monday, March 30, 2009


There ain't shit going on here in Candy Land. See you turds in the playoffs.

4/5/09 7:30pm, The Box



Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not So Fast My Friend, CANDY LOSES

Going into last nights game, the question was could Free Candy pull off legit back-to-back wins for the first time in franchise history? If you know anything about Free Candy, it was obvious they were going to shit the bed. This game was a straight kick in the balls.

Candy actually played a great team game, making crisp passes and having some nice scoring chances. Story of the game: Big Ben struck 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, and fucking 12.


Someone forgot to tell Candy you're actually supposed to put the puck in the net and not hit each post at least 3 times.

Somewhere in the game Pat Scoville gets his 23489025 goal of the season. MVP anyone? About half way through the second period his back finally gives after carrying the team for the last 10 games.

Also note Jeremy Virgin still has the hot hand, scoring 4 goals in his last 2 games.

Paladino gets a pass right open in front of the net and can't handle it. His shakiness is read as a 9.6 on the ritcher scale. A city is left in ruins halfway across the world.
(sorry Potash!)

TJ Miller goes oldschool and puts the horseblinders on for old time sakes. BURIES IT.

Candy is tied 3-3 late in the game, cycling the puck in the Bee's zone. Turnover city, Kenny Wu on the breakaway. GOAL. 4-3 Bumble Bee's. BARF JOB.

FC tries pulling the goalie, Mr. Wu puts salt in the wounds. 5-3.

Kevin Thornhill, still recovering from his PMS/flu is heard shouting from the stands "it's ovvvvaaaaaa!"
Thornhill is:


After the game TJ Doherty makes an unreal move in the locker room and spits off all the stats for the whole silver league.
Introducing TJ Doherty as Rainman

Looking ahead:
Rumor has it Derek Rupert is returning to his natural position of defense. Who will be Pat Scovilles new wingman? Only time will tell....


"Smells Like Ass in the Locker Room"

Hey, Cider Box...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Delta Dental: Play That Made You Smile

Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Defenseman turned forward, Derek Rupert on a pass from Patrick Scoville.

Unfortunately, due to insufficient funds, The Box no longer broadcasts games locally.

Photographer: Unknown

Cider Box Turds

Cider Box Monkeys came out shorthanded but put up a decent fight early but just got outskated and out puck possessioned...Candy kept the puck most of the game and passed their way to a pretty solid victory. It was the best the team has looked all season...

1st Half Recap...

Candy started with Scoville and Rupert and paired up to start and it looked like Candy would be up 1-0 immediately but Rupert Hillary Duffed it...

let the rain fall down and wash away...thats lyrics to a hillary duff song...dont ask me how i know...

The rest of the first half was pretty well played and Scoville and Virgin had first half markers to lead Candy to a 2-1 intermission lead..heroics would then be found...

The 2nd half was testy early but Virgin put down the pedal and before we knew it Candy had a big lead and Virgin took his pick of the hats spewed on the rink...well not really but he did have a hat trick...

Game! 6-2 Free Candy

Oh and Bobby Orr Miller had a goal in there somewhere...


Scoville - 2g
Virgin - 3g
Miller - 1g...1st of the season...who paid this guy 6.5 for 4 years???
Rupert - fanned
Whitbey - solid game