Next Game

3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not So Fast My Friend, CANDY LOSES

Going into last nights game, the question was could Free Candy pull off legit back-to-back wins for the first time in franchise history? If you know anything about Free Candy, it was obvious they were going to shit the bed. This game was a straight kick in the balls.

Candy actually played a great team game, making crisp passes and having some nice scoring chances. Story of the game: Big Ben struck 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, and fucking 12.


Someone forgot to tell Candy you're actually supposed to put the puck in the net and not hit each post at least 3 times.

Somewhere in the game Pat Scoville gets his 23489025 goal of the season. MVP anyone? About half way through the second period his back finally gives after carrying the team for the last 10 games.

Also note Jeremy Virgin still has the hot hand, scoring 4 goals in his last 2 games.

Paladino gets a pass right open in front of the net and can't handle it. His shakiness is read as a 9.6 on the ritcher scale. A city is left in ruins halfway across the world.
(sorry Potash!)

TJ Miller goes oldschool and puts the horseblinders on for old time sakes. BURIES IT.

Candy is tied 3-3 late in the game, cycling the puck in the Bee's zone. Turnover city, Kenny Wu on the breakaway. GOAL. 4-3 Bumble Bee's. BARF JOB.

FC tries pulling the goalie, Mr. Wu puts salt in the wounds. 5-3.

Kevin Thornhill, still recovering from his PMS/flu is heard shouting from the stands "it's ovvvvaaaaaa!"
Thornhill is:


After the game TJ Doherty makes an unreal move in the locker room and spits off all the stats for the whole silver league.
Introducing TJ Doherty as Rainman

Looking ahead:
Rumor has it Derek Rupert is returning to his natural position of defense. Who will be Pat Scovilles new wingman? Only time will tell....



  1. Oh my god, I'm dyin here...hilarious. Best post ever. Almost as nice as the 3 (or was it 4 total?) that I hit last night...

    We need a shot of Coach Bombay taking on his old Hawks coach in a game of 3-bar. Thought that's what we were playin last night.

  2. Big thanks to Menhart for the Rupert kick in the nuts and Scoville wingman photoshops!

  3. the wingman thing made me about throw up....

    I think TJ just solidified himself as our blogger.

  4. tell me Scoville's face doesnt just fit perfectly on that guys body, its crazy, lol
