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3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


From the "When will the league get it?" department comes this game result...

With a score of 14-4, there's nothing "Normal" about that game.

Free Candy takes on the recently-embarrassed Killer Bees this Sunday.


  1. Players on the Slashers had 9 and 7 pts in just that game. That's more than over half our roster last season. Holy hell.

  2. Yo FC, the Bees player-goalie got kicked out in the second period and they played the rest of the game with an empty net, so that's how the Slashers dropped 2 touchdowns.

    The Slashers have a really good team, but it's still beneficial to have them in the silver division. Without them, there would only be 3 teams and then there wouldn't be 2 games a week anymore. Still, anyone can beat anyone. It's like that movie: "Any Given Sunday (and/or Tuesday night at The Box)"

    Regarding the 14-2 blowout, I'm more pissed that the stat inflation makes the rest of the league look bad. I'm in a contract year!


  3. Hey, Eric.

    Was Greenberg in net that game? I saw him listed as the goalie for it. Surprises me if he was the one kicked out.

    Either way (and no matter who was kicked out), the Slashers should have laid off a little. That's out of control on their part.

    And I do agree with you that more teams is better and it would suck to only play one game a week. I'd almost rather them put together an "Upper Bronze" team to compete rather than pulling the gold & platinum players down into our division.

    On another note, thanks for taking our blog so lightly. I was afraid some of the posts would be pissing people off, but it's nice everyone else is playing along with the joke.

    See you guys Sunday.

  4. It says that Dan Greenberg was in net for the Slashers, not the Bees

  5. Yeah, Dan Greenberg played the whole game for the Slashers. Dustin G was in net for the Bees until he got ejected in the 2nd period for dropping his gloves and looking for a fight, which he wouldn't find until he got home and played Street Fighter II on SNES.

    Keep up the bloggin'

  6. Hilarious post...Here is a question? what other game types are there? Ironman?

    Slashers arent that good...we just cant let ppl take wide open slappers.
