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3/15 @ 9:10
Free Candy vs. Cider Box Monkeys

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Game Recap: Cider Box Monkeys vs. Free Candy


Well, the second rendition of the Thrilla in Chantilla looked promising. Until we saw this:

That's right, the number 55.

With CBM goalie Kevin Thornhill out for a personal night at the Caps game (where they lost 5-2, incidentally), backup (and son) Josh Thornhill was pulled off the waiver wire to play for his old man.

But in a Price Is Right-style game of Switcheroo, Josh decided to play out and instead recruited Puckhounds goalie Meredith Rodkey to stay for a 2nd back-to-back game. The younger Thornhill, sporting number 55, promptly took it to Free Candy.

FC goalie Jonathan Whitbey let in 2 early goals within the first 3 minutes of the game, but steadily improved thruout the remainder of the game, sporting a new stick. Josh Thornhill was shut out by Whitbey for the entire 2nd period of the game.

More statistics to come later today once they're posted on Sportability.

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